
Episode #635

April, 3, 2021

Computers are inscrutable.
They are so complex.
They cannot be known in whole.
Yet we interact with them in nearly every aspect of our lives.

With computer hardware there are certain scrutinies that assure that it is functioning as manufactured.
Most of the time the hardware has not failed.

Almost always a computer malfunctions due to software.

Software malfunctions can be scrutinized for the following:

  1. Misconfigured settings.
  2. Damaged preference files.
  3. Incompatible applications.
  4. Demands of a too advanced operation system.
  5. Damaged source code.
  6. Incorrect permissions.
  7. Inscrutable problem

Scrutinies of software are:

  1. Misconfigured settings.
    The settings could be misconfigured because you did so accidentally or maybe your cat walked across the keyboard. Adjust the settings. 
  1. Damaged preference files.
    Remove the preference file and allow the application to create a new one. This solution causes the user’s preferences to be lost.
  1. Incompatible applications.
    Upgrade the application. This could mean buying a newer version.
  1. Demands of a too advanced operation system.
    Revert to an operating system that is compatible with your older hardware. Some newer applications my not run under this older system. How badly do you need the newer application? It might be time for a new computer.
  1. Damaged source code.
    The operating system, application or preferences stored on the hard drive may have become corrupted. Reinstall corrupted software.
  1. Incorrect permissions.
    Permissions are what authorizes software to run within your computer account. Correct the permissions. 
  1. Inscrutable problem
    Throw up your arms in dismay? Escalate to the manufacturers tech support. 
    Another choice is to nuke and pave. This means erasing the hard drive, reinstalling the operating system, reinstalling all applications, bringing back all of your backed up data, subscribing to all your accounts, then reconfiguring all your preferences.

Having a seven step plan for understanding and treating a computer is the toolbox of a computer consultant.

People are inscrutable.
They are so complex.
They cannot be known in whole.
Yet we interact with them in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a seven step plan for understanding and dealing with people?

Solutions for scrutinizing people are:

  1. Misconfigured settings.
    Confusion due to frustration, illness or age can be reset with understanding and empathy. 
  1. Damaged preference files.
    Sometimes information, such as from news, social media or other human opinions can change a person’s trust and beliefs. Conversation and gentle persuasion can help to repair skewed preferences.
  1. Incompatible applications.
    Knowledge that is applied in harmful ways can alienate a person from friends and loved ones. Let them know what you like and dislike. It may change their M.O.
  1. Demands of a too advanced operation system.
    Remind a person of the old days and how happy they were back then. Some newer ideas my not be compatible with an older system of beliefs. How badly do they need the newer ideas? It might be better to stay the course.
  1. Damaged source code.
    Alzheimer’s, age and forgetfulness can sometimes be circumvented with new learning. Math and hand-eye coordination games can help.
  1. Incorrect permissions.
    How well do you really know the person? Is it your place to help? Maybe a close friend or relative should be giving advice. 
  1. Inscrutable problem
    Throw up your arms in dismay?
    Love someone anyway.
    Agree to disagree.
    Walk away.
    Listen and engage with added fervor.

i am inscrutable.
My complexities
are wholly unknown to me.
Yet i use my own judgement for every aspect of my life.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a seven step plan for scrutinizing myself?


  1. Chela April 3, 2021
    • Rick Thues April 8, 2021
  2. Trish Landau April 3, 2021
  3. Elaine Socol April 8, 2021
    • Rick Thues April 8, 2021

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