Episode #670
December 4, 2021
“And let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be”
— The Beatles, “Let It Be”
The solution for sadness is “Take a sad song and make it better.”
To combat stress realize that “Nothing is real.”
If i am hurt “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
When you are angry “Picture yourself in a boat on a river.”
As you make a sad song better when nothing is real “Don’t carry the world upon your shoulder.”
In a boat on a river with help from your friends there is “Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.”
As you take a sad song and make it better with help from friends “Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.”
When nothing is real in a boat on a river you “Love, love, love.”
Making it better when nothing is real with help from friends lets you “Come together right now.”
In a boat on a river with help from friends when nothing is real “Don’t make it bad.”
Making it better in a boat on a river with help from my friends then “Life goes on.”
Making a sad song better in a boat on a river when nothing is real is “Jai Guru Deva Om.”
When nothing is real and a sad song is better in a boat on a river with a little help from my friends “Let it be.”
Credit to Michelle Rial’s the “Advice from the Beatles” Venn diagram.