Episode 584
April 11, 2020
Yesterday i glanced up at the wall in my garage where the clock used to be. The clock had stopped working and i had removed it from the wall a week ago. i felt for my phone in my pocket to check the time, but it was not there.
i looked out the garage door to see that the sun was still out. Plenty of time to start another project… i got started, collecting the parts i needed for a new shelf in the shed.
With nowhere to go in the morning i sleep until i wake up. That is usually with the sun.
i dress in my robe and pour a cup of coffee. The clock on the coffee pot has a timer and the coffee is already made when i come down to the kitchen. Other appliance clocks are irrelevant.
Some days, when i sleep late, i have to turn the coffee maker back on and some days i have to microwave my cup.
i do not strictly need the coffee timer since i am willing to turn the pot on when i wake, but i am a modern man and i like my coffee ready in the morning.
After coffee Paula and i stretch and exercise. We count the duration of our repetitions with “one thousand one, one thousand two…” Paula’s head is a timer.
Once showered i check the weather. i step outside to determine what i should wear.
i do not need a calendar. It does not matter what day it is because i have nowhere to go.
If i need food i will go to the grocery store.
If the trash is full i will go to the dump.
If i need materials for a project i consider doing a different project or i go to the hardware store.
i check the postal mail periodically (when i think to do so.)
My Things to Do list is on my paper clip board written in pencil.
The time of day can be observed from the arch of the sun.
The time of month, if i care to know, is told by the phases of the moon.
The moon revolves around the Earth every 27.32 days, but it displays full every 29.53 days. This is due to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The earth rotates around the Sun about one degree per day. The Moon needs another hour to arrive at the same location in the sky. This is why the Moon slips lower in the sky each night. Because of this Earth – Moon – Sun relationship the calculation to determine a full moon is complex. There are calculators online, but if you are using a computer you know the time, date and day of the week anyway.
A friend of mine shared a simple way of calculating the date of the full moon. Each year it is different and he has to adjust the calculation. The calculation is complicated by the Blue Moon. A Blue Moon is a second full moon in a month. This year the Blue Moon occurs on October 31st (Halloween). In 2020, until Halloween, subtract the number of the month from 11. For example, in April: 11 minus 4th month = April 7th full moon. After Halloween the formula is 41 – month number. The full moon in November will be on November 30th (41-11=30).
i like my method of determining what day is the full moon. i look up at the night sky and observe the moon.
When the moon is full, it is a full moon.
When i have no schedule Reminders are not necessary because there are no places i have to be. My clipboard serves to remind me what project i might do.
Notifications are just annoying reminders.
i check the news minimally, just to stay safe. i have turned Twitter and News app notifications off on my computer and iPhone.
Social media notifications are not necessary since i look at social media when i want and there is nothing very timely there.
Text notifications are not (or should not) be urgent.
The one notification that i have left on is the ringer on my telephone.
If someone needs to contact me the telephone is the best method.
Rest assured i check my text messages and email, but not on any schedule.
Since notifications are annoyances i have turned them off.
To turn off notifications on an iPhone or iPad go to Settings > Notifications. Set the Notification Style for each app in the list to “Allow Notifications” > OFF (touch the green slide switch).
To turn off notifications on the Mac go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Notifications > Do Not Disturb. Check the “From” setting and set time from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM. To reinstate notifications for all apps in the list, uncheck the “From” setting.
While working on a project around the ranch, time is measured in a series of tasks. i sometimes plan the steps of a project on my clipboard in a penciled flow chart. Sometimes it wing it. i do not always choose the most efficient path. i have all day.
If i become hungry it must be lunch time.
When the sun is low in the sky it is time to close up the shop and go for a walk.
When the sun sets it is time to sit on the balcony and drink an adult beverage with Paula.
When it is dark it is time for dinner.
My scheduler is nature and my body is my clock.
When i fall asleep it is time to sleep.
I’m dealing with the same. I’ve lost Sunday’s, kind-of although this Sunday is Easter. I have a question my MAC is running very slow especially since I installed the last major update. Is there anything I can do ??
Call me to discuss Robert.
Good one, Rick! Mother Nature is always there for us! Best to you and Paula!!
I love your blog and read it every time you send it. I feel connected when I read your blog, I don’t feel quite so isolated. My kids have forbidden me to go outside, other than sit on our front porch when the sun is shining, otherwise I am housebound. When I awoke this morning to sunshine I thought “hooray” I get to go outside today!
Best always,
Boy!! You are busier than I am. After artwork on the Mac, My favorite TV, reading all the news and false news, satiating my self with a good book chasing the crows out of the yard, I am pooped. Hope you both are well. Thanks
Happy you are busy with your art. It occurs to me that i was never able to come over to get your computer working. If it still needs attention call me and we can work remotely.
This one fits my life……. but, no projects. Well, maybe I need to finish doing my taxes. But, the wake up call (sunrise); the lunch switch (hunger); happyhour (sunset), fits perfectly……….