
Episode #808 July 27, 2024 The secret to equality lies in unlimited energy. If energy were free, basic needs would be met, allowing humans the leisure to educate themselves.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwAxmiq1rnI In the world of the Star Trek Federation, peace prevails among its members. The reason? Dilithium Crystals. With Dilithium, food, housing, and goods are produced from pure energy. This enables humans to explore intellectual and artistic pursuits—matters of the soul. Physical needs become irrelevant, rendering envy, sloth, greed, and avarice unnecessary or irrelevant. Is there still conflict in the Star Trek universe? Yes. Some races have ideologies so deeply...

EBH 47

Episode #807 July 20, 2024 The invitations went out. “You are invited to the 47th annual Easter Beer Hunt (EBH) and Rib Roast.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VO_KAuWF_0 47 years. Only one COVID year was missed. Who would have known that this party would persist for 47 years? 47 years ago I wanted to throw an Easter themed party for my sister’s birthday, which sometimes falls on or near Easter. I called her up: “I want to have an Easter egg hunt for your birthday, but you know that I don’t like eggs.” She said, “Then hide something you like.” I like beer, I...


Episode #806 July 13, 2024 Old clients, friends, family and acquaintances are still intimidated by using online accounts.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho7796-au8U Everything (without exception) on a computer is an account. A computer, tablet or phone have device user accounts. My property sprinkler/drip controller has an account. Door bells, A/C heating climate controllers, lighting controllers and refrigerators are accessed by accounts. Cars like Teslas require an account to start and drive them. Every app on a computer runs inside or under the security of an account. Any time you want to buy something on the Internet it is done within an account....

Tie Dye

Episode #805 July 6, 2024 Since the sixties, when driving on PCH near Big Sur, I have looked for the tie dyed shirt stands.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Zb55njp8E Not long ago I stopped at one of those stands. There was a hippie man and woman. They were quick with a smile and had stories to tell. They were eager to listen to my stories too. They were in no hurry and neither was I. Their calm, pleasant attitude was uniquely human. The woman rummaged through her entire inventory looking for a shirt she thinks would be perfect for me. It was. I...


Episode #804 June 29, 2024 My house came with a cherry tree. It was 12’ tall with full 4’ wide dormant branches.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRDWEVQTH98 There was a promise of fruit in the bud covered branches. In March the buds became leaves and in early April the cherry tree bloomed. “Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Across the spring sky, As far as the eye can see. Is it mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the air. Come now, come now, Let's go and see them!” —Sakura (Japanese folk song) Japan is well known for the radiant, delicate and transient beauty of their country...


Episode #803 June 22, 2024 Even someone as analytical and systematic as myself can overlook the obvious. Sometimes no amount of analysis will solve a mystery.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCJlaJNuj14 Of course, a problem may not seem obvious in the investigation. It may hide in the minutia until its discovery makes it apparent. An old client-friend of mine complained that the sound in Safari was very quiet and could not be made louder. I knew the speakers were operational, since I was connected remotely and she could hear my voice clearly. I began my troubleshooting from the least invasive to the most....