Episode #662
October 9, 2021
My writer’s group asked me what my process was for writing a story.
For a story to come alive it requires a process.
i use the same process for a fact or fiction story.
It is the same process for a speech or a consultation.
The process i use for a slide show or movie is the same.
This bLog is written using this process.
Think of a topic, moral or message.
Write a list of events, key words, descriptive phrases, ideas and concepts regarding the topic, moral or message.
Group the list into categories.
Organize the categories into an outline.
Reorganize the outline into a chronology.
Expand each outline bullet point into a mini story.
Add a predictive beginning and a summary ending to the expanded outline.
It is always more impactful when the summary calls back something from the beginning.
Here is an example of the process:
Think of a topic, moral or message.
Write a bLog episode about the process of writing a story.
Write a list of events, key words, descriptive phrases, ideas and concepts regarding the topic, moral or message.
1. Examples of the process outline
2. The process outline
3. Steps taken in the process
4. Research into writing processes used by others.
5. List of kinds of writing that use this process (all of them).
6. Why am i writing this bLog?
7. What will my reader learn from this bLog?
8. How will the bLog end?
9. How will the bLog begin?
10. fiction
11. non fiction
12. slide show
13. consultation
14. movie
15. speech
16. story story
17. novel
18. bLog
Group the list into categories.
1. The list
2. The topics
3. The process
4. Chronology
5. The outline
6. Expansion
7. The beginning
8. The conclusion
Group the categories into a chronology.
1. The beginning
2. The process
3. The topics
4. The list
5. The outline
6. Chronology
7. Expansion
8. The conclusion
Expand each outline bullet point (except for beginning and end) into a mini story.
See the result in the story of this bLog episode.
Add a predictive beginning and a summary ending to the expanded outline.
See above for the beginning (introduction) and see below for the summary (conclusion).
Spend as many hours and consult as many people as necessary for readability and understandability.
Write and rewrite.
Rehearse and repeat.
This process is applicable to writing, speaking or thinking.
Every time you take the time to gather, research, organize and expand your thoughts the story you tell comes more alive.
I use this process very often. I’m a big list guy, so that part is easy. Then organize, etc.
There is another very important part of my process in addition to this. It consists of – for lack of better word – daydreaming or musing about the whole thing. This happens often in the middle of the night or early morning when waking. But the classic time is the hour each day I spend riding my bike. I often get into a mental flow state wherein I really am not even paying attention to the ride, I am immersed in the topic. I turn my ideas upside down and inside out. I seek out analogies, past experiences, books dreams. Definitely a flow state experience, and it just happens automatically when I have a topic or story on my mind.
Often I walk around with it for a week, or a month, and even years. I often move from one project to another, but keep coming back to many of them over the course of months and years. I very quickly wrote down a list of 20 book ideas which intrigue me, and the one’s at the top of the list get moved forward at unpredictable moments and in tiny steps.
The wandering wondering is the initial step in my process. Thanks Rick for another interesting and useful hint/rant.
Now you tell me after I completed two books. On to the next one.
I enjoyed reading this episode and commentary. Most helpful. I use the same methods, trying to make sure it projects the right vision of what i wanted to deliver to the audience. I often use sentences instead of lists. Then, develop those into the pieces of the entire story.
I nearly always write some parts of the intro, then stop. Then, finish writing the body parts. That way, if i have to make detours because the main stories just doesn’t seem good enough, I can adjust the intro.
The conclusions always seem to come to me during the writing of the body of the story.
Where i need assistance, i think, is in proof reading techniques
Great real world example of the writing process. Thanks Mark.